Todor (1934. - 2003.), born in Žegar, municipality
of Obrovac ( Bukovica ), Republic of Croatia. He was born in a family
traditionally connected with national music instruments making and playing
the same. Except they had been making well carved instruments, and they
were careful about quality for playing.
National craftsmen from that region are mainly from one family, KOMAZEC
( hamlet of Gradina ), sold their instruments in Obrovac, Benkovac,
Zadar, Knin, Drniš and other places.
agriculture and cattle breeding, making instruments were their income
for living in poor and rugged region of Bukovica, for centuries.
Craftsman have improved their crafts for generations, and transferred
it from generation to generation and have kept it in their family as
their trademark. They have made all music instuments and other souvenirs
by hands only without any machines , so it is original and unique way
of making instruments. They have their ancient original names and of
the parts.
Komazec, as young man got it from his father Todor, old national craftsman
of shepherd´s flute and flute in the whole region Bukovica. So Todor
has started making the first instruments when he was 15 years old. With
the feeling of charm for carving and playing instruments he had decided
to live in that region and he devoted himself for making his music instruments.
young and talented he differed from the others and became the best player
and master for carving these kind of instruments. He became a partner
of many museums for national art and ethnology very early. Today you
can find his instruments in Zadar, Zagreb, Belgrade, Oslo, Germany,
Australia, USA and other countries. He participated at the International
folklore festival in Zagreb at 1967.
television and other TV studios made TV shows about making instruments
and the way of playing. You can find those video records at the Institute
for ethnology and folklore study in Zagreb. Todor became a member of
instrumentalist society of Croatia " Croatia - concert" in
He made a TV appearance for cultural club LADO in Zagreb and has been
their guest at many festivals. He practiced his playing at shepherd's
flute (diple) very well without bag ( goatskin ), and without break
for taking breath, that is unique.
took his part with many cultural and art groups
at many perfomances around Europe.